Trail Magic

Saturday, April 14, 2012 - If I haven't mentioned it before, one of the great things about the AT hiking community is that every once in awhile you come across some "trail magic" during your hikes.  Trail magic is basically random acts of kindness that people do for the hikers which makes their journey a little more enjoyable.

While in the middle of my Saturday hike, I came across an elaborate rope system that hoisted a large container high above the ground... bingo...trail magic.  When the container was lowered to the ground I found small bags of flavored popcorn inside.  What a nice treat in the middle of the woods.  The note that accompanied the container explained how a fellow hiker felt compelled to put this nice little surprise out in the middle of the trail for other hikers to enjoy.  It was a nice treat and made me feel that I was not alone out there on my hike which isn't easy to do when you are really all alone in the woods.
